Pirita PunnvrriPauk 2024

Dates: 13. July 2024 Venue: Pirita Velodrome, The way of the hub 3, 11911 Tallinnhttps://maps.app.goo.gl/XTJPpuxz9M7XMrrW8 Schedule 10.30 Registration and familiarization with the track 12.00 START! 12.00 .. 20.00 Race! 20.30 Rewarding * The organizers reserve the right to change the schedule. Teaser: https://youtu.be/CUhH2j9i9hU?si=37j8JvfzB4yKa7ss Võistlusrada Võistlus toimub ajaloolisel Pirita Velodroomil. The length of the track is 333,33 meters, and in the curves the slope of the track is up to 34 … continue Pirita PunnvrriPauk 2024 reading