Bunting bars at Kiltsi airport

Time is running out: 29.06.2024A place is taking place: Kiltsi lennuväli; https://maps.app.goo.gl/vmZrBJqVcQD8qvqf7 Ajakava 9:00 Sprint Registration10:00 Sprint starts13:00 Mini test rounds and start13:30 Registration of duration 15:00 Endurance race start (endurance 3 hours)18:30 Rewarding * The organizers reserve the right to change the schedule. Võistlusrada Võistlus toimub tasasel maal. SPRINT VõistlusklassidStandard 40+ (age 40-… years of age)Standard -40 (age 1-39 years)Open 40+ (age 40-… years of age)Open -40 (age … continue Bunting bars at Kiltsi airport reading