Alsonvõrride Kestvussõidu Karikasarja “PunKK! 2014” ringrajaetapp, auto24ring, Saturday 6. september.
Competitors will arrive through the main gate. Free access only to the territory of the team representative with a list of pre-registered team members arrive.
Players can access one vehicle per team (with a team representative), which can be parked in the parking lot to fill any vacancies.
Mopeds presets will be safe while navigating the parking area of.
Sample Track.
Going on a motorbike road racing during the lunch break, or in the range of approximately 15.15- 16.00 and according to the instructions of the judges.
To access the trail is not required to pass the technical inspection in advance or digits own. Mandatory lane is going full safety equipment.
On-site registration and the technical committee.
Starts after the track sample ca 16.00. Safety equipment required to contribute to the scrutineering is not, but it is possible to refine the existing equipment with the Rules of.
Circuit is a mandatory step jaw CLOSED HELMET! Crews should be detectable from behind (number on the back, a larger font on a helmet or the like.)
Notwithstanding this stage has allowed the installation of a wind deflector and nacelles võistlusriistale.
Rally Wheel understood punnvõrri, which kept during the competition at least the same frame and karteripooled (It is prohibited to place or replace the engine number to another võrrile).
Since the beginning of the competition must võistlusriistal lit white front and rear red light (allowed a separate power supply, such as. bicycle lights). The trail is not fully illuminated.
For more information, please refer to the previous registration notification. Pre-registration entry fee 10 € / per participant, and the period runs until the 31st of August 1.- 3. september 20 € / participant (this period does not apply under the tasuvabastus 16a.). Since 4. September can not be recorded over the competition.
Most accessible track 100 ekipaaži.
Pit located directly pit-line’i side, and can be reached after the end of the ride a motorbike or ca 19.30. Reserve pit can bring tools, Shadows cover, chairs, etc.. (vehicle or trailer is not!). It is strictly prohibited to asphalt pavement drilling, vaiamine or otherwise damage (fines).
Pit is lit, if necessary, it is possible to get electricity. The area is also a box for sharing rellakas, compressor and welding.
Ahead of the competition.
The Opening Ceremony will take place at approximately 18.00 The main building, near the parking lot.
Võistlusekipaažid gather in the main building behind the gate to the end of the motorbike race ca 19.30. There shall be equipped with all the appliances around the reading of transponders (they must be given the competition at the end of Virgo hands!).
The judges let the contestants one by one lane in accordance with the registreerimisjärjekorrale followed by another outstanding run one warm-up lap and staying near the start line in accordance with the judge's instructions.
Compete classes Retro, Sport and Chinks.
Start a standstill and the engine will be jointly. Start signal is red lights Losing stardifooris.
To go to the pit lane area to ride pit-lane’ile which is the exit before the start / finishisirget, being rotated to give a show of hands indicated.
Pit-lane’il to be run on a moderate pace, and the safety of the pits may not be pit-lane’il disturb occupants.
Riders cycled through pit area, navigate through the co-contestants, and understandably without hindering others.
The competition will take place on the track was really only the traffic. The machine breaks, perhaps reluctant to shorten the journey to the race track the entire trajectory of the pill should be pushed safely by following boksilalale.
Driving finshilipp drop at midnight, regardless of the starting time of the race and the Cup entry points can be written 4 (everyone who passes through at least half of their Class Winner Circles)
Closing Ceremony and Award ceremony.
Takes place at the beginning of the ca 00.15
Prizes for first “auto24ringrajaetapi” successful and happy, and then PunKK! 2014 the best.
The event was the final stretch 01.00.
Estonian Championships will take place on Saturday while racing motorcycles race, can not 7 €.
Information and schedule:
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